Apex Legends Can Include The New Character Horizon Soon

It is sure that the leaked Apex Legends addition may be available before you know it. Yes, you have read it correctly, there will be a new character added in one of the most exciting and amazing games, Apex Legends. 

As of now, Respawn Entertainment is teasing up the new character Horizon with which we are sure that you will be familiar. The new character Horizon will be the next legend that is all set to be added to the Apex Legends Battle Royale Roster game.

All the fans and players will be happy as well as excited to know that they can now watch the new short teaser. It will be possible for you to find the new short teaser that the official Twitter account of the Apex Legends game did release recently.

You can definitely be able to get glimpses of the new character Horizon that the game is going to add to its character collection. The new Twitter post is definitely showing a distorted transmission video message that also has audio even more difficult to understand. 

The video seems to be showing a distorted figure which seems more like the unannounced character Horizon. One thing is sure if you are a fan of the Apex Legends then you will definitely be curious to know about everything that the game is going to bring in the near future.

When you are watching the short teaser, you will notice, with the help of subtitles, a Scottish voice saying, “A wee bit of betrayal, eh dearie? I was so daft.”

All the fans are currently waiting for any major updates about the new character Horizon that will be added to the Apex Legends game. The new character addition will bring more excitement, thrill, and interest in the game. 


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