Voice activated personal assistant speakers are the talk of the day, every company has been launching their models for quite some time now, latest of them include the HomePod by Apple.
Along with that, there are others which have already gained popularity in the technological market include the Google Home, Amazon Echo, the personal speakers of Essential and the like. Samsung is not to be left far behind and is catching up in the race. It has been reported that Samsung is about to launch its Bixby speakers to be a part of the whole trending assistant speaker roar.
Some time back it was informed that the Bixby speakers had trouble in understanding English grammar and syntax; hence it took some time to get clearance from the US. But now it is expected to be released soon enough. After Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Samsung decides to have a voice activated personal assistant speaker as well. The Bixby speaker has already been tested for its credibility but when it is going to be launched in the markets is still a mystery.
After Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Samsung decides to have a voice activated personal assistant speaker as well. The Bixby speaker has already been tested for its credibility but when it is going to be launched in the markets is still a mystery.
News that has struck the market is that Samsung revealed the news of its new Bixby speaker right after Apple announced its tentative HomePod launch date. This makes us think if Samsung is willing to give a head on a tackle for Apple to handle.It
It would, however, be a great sight to witness. After the latest failure of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 people has been avoiding the brand, the overall profit of the company has also decreased considerably. This might be a risky survival stunt by Samsung, but it is a risk worth taking as we figure it.
In the voice enable speaker market, Samsung will face another tough challenge from Amazon Echo. In the United States this year it is expected that Amazon will be controlling about 70.6 percent of the total population using Voice activated personal assistant. Both Google and Apple are in the stage on making amends and improving their assistant speakers, but Samsung is just going to be new in the market.
Samsung is working hard enough to get the brand loyalty back after the mishap of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. It is trying and working on its present AI-powered speakers, which is expected to give a tough competition to all the Voice activated personal assistant speakers available in the markets today.
The launch date and the minute details of this Voice-activated the personal assistant speaker, Bixby is yet to be announced and it is just a rumor at present. However, the rumor came out just around the time when HomePod by Apple was announced and this makes us think it Samsung took the right call and if it was right then why was it taken.
This mysterious news keeps all of us thinking and waiting for the confirmation from Samsung. Till then all we can do is assume the features and everything else about the new rumored Samsung Bixby Speakers. To know more about this rumored news, comment down your question and get it answered by us at the earliest.