Pokemon Sword and Shield, as you all know is what you can call the favorite one of most fans residing all over the world. It will be essential for all the fans and followers to know that the Pokemon Sword and Shield are already revealing its one of the dirtiest secrets.
It is sure that you are somewhat curious to know about it while hoping that it will not change the way you are looking forward to the game. But do not worry, the deepest darkest secret of the Pokemon Sword and Shield is bearable for all the fans.
One of the dirty secrets that you must know about is that Pokemon Sword and Shield did recently unveil about the Galar region by assuring that all the Pokemon competition is run by Criminals.
Yes, you have definitely read it correctly that all the competition that you can find on the Pokemon Sword and Shield game is run by criminals. It is a little bit of a surprise to realize that the competitions in which you may have been participating in the game are run by criminals.
You must know that the new Pokemon Sword and Shield Crow Tundra DLC will be introducing an all-new and latest challenge that happens to be the last and final challenge for all the Pokemon players playing the game.
You must have surely heard of the challenge as The Galarian Star Tournament. It is all about the special knockout tournament that will offer the best players of the Galar region a chance to compete against one another in an interesting and exciting doubles tournament.
All the players as well as fans are looking forward to experiencing the Galarian Star Tournament and they are hoping that the best player will definitely the one to not lose.