United States a dreamland of opportunities of Jobs for many people round the globe, and the history shows that all the presidents in the United States has faced such situations where they faced an emergency of science expertise like the George Bush after the 9/11 attack and Hurricane Katrina. Barrack Obama faced an emergency of the oil spills the Ebola outbreak.

And now in the Trump’s rule he has a climate change issue, according to the chief executive of the American Association of the Advancement of Science, Rush Holt the Americans want people who help in speed recovery of the crisis whether it is a disease or tunnel collapse or nuclear facility but we want people in science who help to react even before the crisis occur which is too tough!

The president of United States is facing a science job problem of lack of staffing which is quite predictable. On the 6th of June Trump has announced a nominee for just about 7 to 15 percent of about 46 top science jobs in the federal government which has a requirement of the Senate parties’ confirmation according to the post analysis.

This failure of filling up the science jobs in the federal government which has become even more evident after the Paris agreement and his choice, recaps of many of the Trumps decision which have been making process in the past have highlighted many influences but not even a single of them was scientific in nature.

In the Trump’s president rule it is not even clear as to whom he will be consulting for further scientific decisions to be made on behalf of the nation.

There is no presidential science advisor nor there is any National oceanic atmospheric administration a lead federal agency that focuses on climate change.

There is no official appointed of the White House Council of the environment quality.

On the 6th of June Trump tweeted that the democrats have been take a forever long time to approve his people but the same condition doesn’t apply when it comes to the science jobs as nobody is actually nominated, there are about 85 percentage of science jobs which are not yet nominated under the science category of the federal government.

And according to the analysis Trump has been moving way to slow in the appointment of science jobs in comparison to the past parties of both the presidents which were working previously.

By June 6th of the year 2009, President Obama had appointed about 26 of these posts which also included the energy department of the under secretary or energy and environment, however this no longer exists.

Even the X- President of the United States George Bush was way too ahead of his appointment of the science jobs than the president Trump as by the June 6th of 2001 he also appointed at least 12 of the nominees of the science jobs.

And if you count the two science and technology positions which are not in to the current picture then president George Bush appointed about 14 nominees for the science jobs.

The ongoing analysis of the science jobs for the federal government is on the basis of the National Academy of Science which belongs under the list of the “most critical science and technology appointments”.

However this is confined to Senate’s confirmation, this list of science jobs was then combined with the broader and ongoing analysis of the partnership of the Public Service of the Administration progress in filling about 559 keys Senate confirmed this post in the government, this data is also from the group who was responsible for this in the previous governments.

This list of the science jobs does not include the surgeon general and the President Trump was criticized for removing the previous Surgeon General Vivek.H.Murthy, who was the last appointment of the X-President Obama in the month of April though he was close to his term of retirement after 2 years.

Maybe President Trump is not aware that the Surgeon Generals are not supposed to be fired midterm of their appointment, said by Sen Chris Murphy at the same time.

Among the very well known science focused jobs in the United States Trump has chosen the Food and Drug Administration’s commissioner the Scott Gottlieb.

There are some other key officials with science and heavy portfolios at the department of Health and Human Services have been appointed and named out as of now.

And in the White House Kevin Hasset has been named as the chair of the council of economic advisors and Neomi Rao has been appointed as the head of the office of Information and Regulatory Affairs within the office management and the Budget both of that is not yet confirmed by the Senate.

And finally President Trump has been successful to appoint seven science focused jobs of the government so far.

However there are many significant science jobs yet unfilled like the Presidential adviser and Trump has not yet named anyone who will be serving the department assistant secretary of the environmental management, the positions for science jobs are worth of 6.3 billion dollars for this project which is the annual cleanup program of the nation’s nuclear waste.

The energy department had declared an emergency on 9th of may at the 20 ft hole of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near the Richard Wash and the department reported that they spend about 2 billion dollars annually on that site and that they need someone really deserving and brilliant supervisor to take the control over this.

Trump has not made any announcements or given any clear nominations of the people who will be appointed for the significant science jobs which currently need people and supervisors not only this but he will also be cutting down the budget of the science related field from about 91. 7 million in the year 2017 to about 30.6 million for the year 2018 this is more than 66 percent of the previous total budget.


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