For decades of years the researchers are trying to find out about the fossils and are seeking answers for the origin of the species have battered from the Great Rift Valley of East Africa. On the other hand the search has taken a turn long way around west to Morocco and researchers have related a long over looked skulls from a cave called Jebel Irhound to a astonishing 30, 000 yrs ago, also the unearthed and fossils and new tools as well.
The result of this is the oldest well dated confirmation of Homo sapiens which are pushing back the appearance of our kind by 1 lakh years.
The stuff that is just found is a time and a half older than anything that is found or put forward as the Homo sapiens according to the John Feagle the Paleontologists of the State University of New York in stony Brook.
The discoveries which are made recently has been reported in Nature that our species came into the world face-first evolving modern facial traits while the back bone of our skull remained elongated and this is similar to those like the archaic humans.
These same chapters also suggest that the initial chapters of our human species might have taken place in the African continent.
According to Michael Petraglia of the max planck institute for the science of Human History of Jena says that these hominins are on the borders of the world at that time and era.
Back in the year 1961 the miners were searching for the mineral birate stumbled on a very astonishing skull at Jebel Irhoud, which is about 75 km from the Morocco.
With this big brain from a primitive skull shape which was assumed by the researchers that it belonged to the African Neanderthal.
Similarly in the year 2007 researchers have found a tooth which is of 1 lakh 60 thousand years old.
This suggested that the skull which is recently found and is representing the archaic species possibly the homo heidelbergensis who are ideally the ancestors of Neanderthal and Homo sapiens, however the skull which is still appeared to be younger than the oldest accepted Homo sapiens fossils.
Those fossils which were found were found in the east Africa which is the long presumed crib of the human evolution.
At Herto in Ethiopio’s Great Rift Valley, researchers have dated the Homo sapiens skulls to be about 1 lakh 60 year old and farther found in East Africa a long
presumed cradle who are dated to be of 1 lakh 95 years old, this is making them the oldest and the widely accepted members of our species. And until now all the paleontologist’s mantra was to find out the H. sapiens that are 2 lakh years old.
Some of the researchers might have thought that the trail of our species might have begun ever earlier and after all the geneticists date the split of the humans and our undeclared cousins, who are none other than the Neanderthals who are assumed to be about 5 lakh years ago according to the John Hawks of the university of Wisconsin in Madison.
So the researchers expect to find the hint of our origins and species somewhere in between of Africa and even before the 2 lakh years ago.
A French paleontologist named Jean Jacques Hoblin kept on studying and pondering on the Jebel Irhoud skull, he had began his career back in the year 1981 studying a jaw found at the Jebel Irhoud, when Jean moved to the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and he also got the funding to reopen the now collapsed cave, this cave is about 100 km west to the Marakkesh Morocco.
Hublin’s team began a new excavation back in the year 2004, this tried to do this to date the small chunck of intact sediments of layers, this also ties them to the innovative and unique original discovery.
According to the Hublin they are lucky that they not only fetch the dates of this but also got the hints of the hominids.
The team now has new partial skulls as well they were able to find jaws and teeth and arms and bones however they belonged it to five different individuals including a child and also an adolescent, which is mostly from a single layer which also contained stone tools.
The new fossils that are found by the researchers is that initially a humans face evolved first and it included the skull and the brain first and it took on the globular shape seen in the Herto fossils.
The connections among the various skulls and the appearances of the MSA tools across Africa at these recent times and even the earlier ones are depicting a lot of communications across the continents.
If we are able to find out some of the similar fossils then the paleontologists can actually find the roots and the origin of our species and tell us exactly the similar things about us.
The findings will also help the scientists make sense of a very handful of alluring and also very poorly dated skulls from across Africa and each with its own combination of modern and prehistoric traits.
Though they have found the dates they still feel that those dates are not surely the real dates if they are even able to discover the real date they will know more about the era of our origin.